Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Starts

Oh I love summer. It was the last day of school yesterday for kids in the SLC school district where I used to teach. I've been talking to a lot of my old teacher friends and how excited they were for the big last day. I can't believe an entire school year has already come and gone and that summer has officially arrived. It kinda snuck up on me this year. Summer sneakily showed up without field day, or an awards assembly, or year book signing. It came without the teachers vs. 5th grade soccer game. It came without cleaning out desks, lockers, and drawers and packing everything up for next year. It came without passing out portfolios, report cards, and a millions hugs. Summer came without all the fanfare this year or the high of a school year coming to a close and the reward of a big long break ahead. I've realized the past couple days how much I miss teaching and the opportunity to really get to know and love 20-something eight year olds. Someday when my babies are grown, I hope I can go back.

To kick off summer over Memorial Day weekend Ben ran the Bolder Boulder which is a huge event here. It's a 10k race of almost 70,000 people through downtown Boulder. They have bands playing and parties all along the route, belly dancers, jugglers, and people running in costume. I was initially planning on running it too but we decided that we didn't want to pay two registration fees and for a babysitter. The girls and I came along to watch and cheer Ben on which was probably for the best. Ben ended up running the entire 6.2 miles on race day and I definitely would have held him back.We ran a 5k as a family with our ward the Saturday before and that pretty much maxed me out. We had a great time, Ben did awesome, and now we know some tricks for making it even better next year.

Last weekend I had the extreme pleasure of joining my family in VEGAS while my super star husband stayed home and watched the girls. I didn't bring my camera so I didn't get a lot of pics but it was so nice to lay by the pool, shop, eat out, and just be on vacation without worrying about naps, feedings, or bedtime. It was absolutely lovely and wonderful to recharge but I did really miss Ben and the girls. Two days was the perfect amount of time to be away.

Rosie and Evie are as darling and as busy as ever. Their new favorite place is the pantry and they are becoming experts at opening all the cupboards and drawers around the house. Time for locks! Yesterday I found Rosie in the bathroom after she unrolled and shredded the entire roll of toilet paper. While I was cleaning it up Evie snuck around me and climbed up some stairs and fell back down with a big bonk. A couple hours later Rosie tipped over and climbed completely inside a collapsible mesh hamper and got stuck. Evie tried to help by rolling on top of the hamper, collapsing it on a screaming Rose, and laughing hysterically. Nice. All of this happened over the course of an afternoon and I'm sure sounds like I was completely neglecting my children. They have gotten so fast and remind me of two mischievous little puppies. Double Trouble: The perfect partners in crime.


  1. The girls are growing like weeds :) I want to see you when you come to SLC this summer. We can play at the pool!

  2. Oh, the girls are so adorable. Your day sounded adventurous. I love it!!

  3. Those girls are ridiculously cute. Bring them to SLC ASAP! I miss them. So so glad you came to Vegas. That was a fantastic weekend- we definitely need to make it a yearly girl's tradition. Maybe next year we should tone it down a little though- you're a mom after all, you shouldn't be getting so out of control! It's kinda embarrassing!

  4. Oh, and thanks to those pesky girls I have a new desktop background at work. xoxo!

  5. That race sounds fun! Chris and I can join you guys next year. :)

  6. hilarious! all my kids unrolled the toilet paper at least once during that stage (better shut the bathroom door or they'll play in the potty)! Ben looks great--glad he got to race--tell us far in advance next time and Bob will come and race too.
