Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Easter

Had a lovely Easter. Morning started with the girls exploring the loot from the Easter Basket left by Grandma.

Died Easter Eggs.

Let the girls play with, crack, bang, and try to eat the Easter eggs. So cute. Egg salad for lunch.

We took the girls to the mall on Friday to see the Easter Bunny but the line was super long and the prices super ridiculous so we skipped it (with the one caveat that Ben would pose as the Easter Bunny later).
We went to Church and the girls were way tired and cranky. With our daily afternoon nap falling between 1:30-2, one o'clock church is rough. This is a new problem since we moved because our girls are older, much more wiggly, and church is so much later. I want us all to stay the whole three hours but I seriously don't know how to do it. We end up not listening at all, wrestling with them the entire time, and Ben just runs back and forth taking one or the other out in the hall. I finally gave in and let Ben take the girls home to nap and I got to attend Relief Society without a squirming, screaming baby... and it was admittedly wonderful. How do other people do it??
We had a big and delicious Easter dinner with ham, rolls, potatoes, salad, and jello. Took a walk until it started raining. Ate Easter candy watching a very silly William and Kate made for TV movie. Let the countdown begin. We all crawled into bed exhausted and the girls slept a solid 12 hours as an Easter treat. :)


  1. Super cute!!! Man, I really want to meet (and squeeze) those girls!!

  2. Cute Easter dresses! Oh, and Cam thought it was pretty great that Ben had on bunny ears... :) Cute daddy.

  3. Can't believe you got Ben to wear those ears--hilarious! But the girls dresses are adorable and I just noticed all the new furniture--you guys have been busy!
