Sunday, August 1, 2010

M is for Meakin

Well I am finally starting a blog. I really don't have much of a life right now so I really don't know what I will write about. But it has been one of my goals to start one for quite awhile and I've put it off for long enough. I wanted to start one when we began our IVF journey June 2009...but didn't. M is for Misery. I wanted to start one when I found out I was pregnant with twins back in December. M is for Miracle Multiples. But didn't get around to it. I wanted to start blogging when I had to stop teaching because of problems with preterm labor. I was put on house arrest, Ben left for Colorado, and I moved in with my mom. Finally I thought I would get around to it and make it happen but somehow all my time was sucked up by laying on the couch, eating, and being a baby because my husband wasn't around. M is for Missing Ben. I thought I would start one when my beautiful babies showed up early at 34 weeks and had to stay for three weeks in the hospital. With all the running back and forth to the NICU for feedings and visits there wasn't any time for blogging. M for is Madness.

Finally, I am starting my blog. Finally, my little girls Rosemary and Evelyn are out of the hospital and I finally feel like a real mom. M is for Motherhood. Finally, I have my husband and my babies in one place...even if that place is Colorado and 8 hours away from all of my friends and family. M is for Moving.

I hope blogging will help me feel connected to all the wonderful people in my life and keep them apprised with what we are up to. M is for Meakin Family.


  1. M is for Mommy of Multiples.... CRAZY! I'm glad you are getting settled in Colorado. Hope things are going well. Your babies are beautiful!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world Allison!! I'm excited to see that you started one! I look forward to keeping up with your adventures of motherhood! :-)

  3. Yay! Finally someone else in my family is blogging! Can't wait to read up on your adventures in Colorado. :)

  4. I love you. And I love your blog. I love the poppies (it makes me think of your wedding). And I love your writing. It makes me miss you and all our fun, crazy, high school quests. xoxoxo

  5. SO SO FUN!!! Allison I'm so excited for you. Hope you are survivin on your own without the $300 day/night help you apparently should have hired!

  6. I SO love that you have a blog!!! Nothing like motherhood and family far away to inspire one to blog away. It's so nice to keep family and friends up to date and not feel so disconnected. I'm going to try and get out to Utah to introduce Mia to everyone. I SO wish you and the girls were there! :( Hope you are loving Colorado! If you are ever in Austin, Texas, you and the family have a place to stay.

    Darcie, Zeus and Mia
