Monday, September 17, 2012


We drove into Denver last weekend on the hunt for some good Cafe Rio and it didn't disappoint.We decided to explore City Park on the way home and ended up renting a surrey for a lovely ride around the lake. Ben did most (read all)  the work because for some reason it didn't seem to make a difference whether I peddled or not. Weird. It was a great time.

My favorite part was when we stopped at a play ground to let the girls play for a bit. A squirrely 4 year old boy kept trying to talk to Evie and she of course, had nothing but mumbo jumbo to say back. We were encouraging her to go down the slide and the little boy pushed around her and turned to say:
 "Hey meat box, watch and learn." 
MEAT BOX???? It was hilarious. 


  The girls and I had a lovely, romantic evening and Ben got a great workout.


  1. What a funny kid. The girls are so cute. I love that pic with Evie's arm around Rosie. So sweet!

  2. Love those babies! What a pretty park! You guys should buy a surrey..... Made for you guys!

  3. meat box? such an odd comment but love that you had a surrey ride--so fun!

  4. Those girls are little lovers just like their mother... very cute!
