Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hunker Down

Well its -6 degrees outside and as my mother would say, a good time to "hunker down" and stay warm. Weather report claims the temperature may dip as low as -35 with the wind chill tonight...My, oh my. Extremely different from the very mild, sunny skies winter we have had so far. The perfect day to catch up on blogging, take a bath, and a nap, listen to my girl Celine Dion and ignore all the stinkin laundry that needs to be done.

Had a lovely birthday week with my Benny. Our birthdays are 4 days apart and we love stretching out the celebrating for as long as possible. I baked way too much junk food and we ate, and ate, and ate. We went to a very fancy dinner up in the mountains for Ben's work party. I had an amazing massage during the day and we went to a movie while my friend Brittany watched the girls that night. 28 years old feels like it's going to be a good one. I am exactly where I want to be in my life and feeling much more settled in my skin and my surroundings then I have for a long time.

We bought a house!(under contract anyway) Every weekend the past few months we have spent seeing houses and checking out neighborhoods. It was a fun but frustrating process trying to agree on what we wanted, needed, and where to buy. My dad told me when you find the house you want, you will just know. He was definitely right. I had been dragging my feet the entire time and not wanting to move forward on anything (which is SO not like me... :)). But as soon as I walked into this house I was in love. It had only been on the market for 2 days and we jumped right on it. It's a much bigger house then I imagined myself in but we are hoping to lure some guests out to see us...hint, hint.

We went to SLC last weekend for a very quick trip to close on our condo. Evie had a fever and had been projectile vomiting before we left which had me nervous but the plane ride and trip ended up being just fine. She broke out into a red bumpy rash all over her stomach, neck, face, and head right in time for their picture appointment on Saturday but has since cleared up. The girls were being little grumps so we'll see how they turn out. It is always so lovely to be with family and play with the cousins, eat dinner together, sit around talking, snuggle that darling Lily... All things I didn't appreciate near as much when they were always right at my fingertips. I still get teary eyed every time we leave and I have to hug everyone goodbye. For some reason it almost kills me when my dad kisses Rosie and Evie at the curb of the airport and we have to walk away. I imagine I'll always leave with a lump in my throat but it has certainly gotten better. I love Colorado and love the visits and how it makes life less monotonous.

We had another adventure on the way home. The plane was completely empty (which seems unheard of these days) so we each got our own row to stretch out on. The girls loved it and entertained lots of ladies with their smiles. When we left Colorado it was a sunny 63 degrees so we didn't bother bringing coats with us because we were already pretty loaded down with luggage, two car seats, two babies, and a giant diaper bag. But of course we get in around 9:30pm last night to -2 degree weather and an ice packed car that won't start. Perfect. Lesson learned. Spent a couple hours waiting for help in a toasty service vehicle and finally rolled into bed around 1 am. Home safe and sound and will continue hunkering with my baby girls until this freeze passes us by.


  1. Congratulations on buying a house! I'm still hoping to come visit sometime this spring or summer. Love you

  2. I loved this post. Your girls are so cute. I seriously cannot get over it. I'm glad you found a house! That is so exciting. Now I really will have to come visit. But I think I'll wait until it warms up a bit. That is so cold. Stay warm! Let's chat soon! xoxo

  3. Holy cow! Your house is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I am so jealous! Is it brand new? We actually withdrew our offer on the house in WJ. Just didn't end up feeling good about it so we are still on the hunt...I may end up a stepford wife in Daybreak after all! Love you. Give me a call so I can hear all about it!

  4. Congrats on the house! I can't wait to come visit! The girls are getting so bit and so so cute!! I'm so glad you had such fun birthday's! We missed you guys this weekend!

  5. First... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! Gosh, I'm a bad friend and didn't realize I had missed it! Sounds like it was a great one!! Second... congrats on the house!! It is beautiful!! Buying a house is such a fun adventure!! Shopping for one can be stressful, but once you find the right one, it becomes HOME and you get to make it your own! I'm sure you will love it! And Finally... your baby girls are so adorable!! I can't believe how fast they are growing up! Life is wonderful! So glad we are mommies! :-) Love ya!

  6. Yea! Congrats on the new house...looks beautiful!!

  7. Happy belated birthday to you and Ben and congratulations on the house!!!! I'm so excited for you and I too think 28 is going to be an awesome year for you. I do have doubts about 36 on my end though which is rapidly approaching in one week! So fun to read your blog and get updates!!! Your girls totally need to be Gerber babies - they are so stinkin' darling!!! Miss ya!
