Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Three Years

Today is our actual anniversary. Three years. I feel like we have been married forever but it blows my mind that many people live to see their 50th anniversaries...and a rare few even see 75! Insane. Ben and I both agree that making it to our 60th is a good goal and a plenty long enough life.

I thought I would write today to pay a little tribute to my sweetheart. Benjamin La Salle Meakin is the love of my life and the best husband in the world. I dated some real bums in my day and I thank my lucky stars that Ben found me and convinced me to marry him. I was kind of a ninny and didn't feel like I was ready to get married but it was the best decision he ever made for me.

For those of you that know Ben, you've probably noticed that he isn't the type that makes a big, warm, friendly effort in social situations. Although this trait can at times drive me nuts-- he makes up for it 100 times over in the effort he makes at home. He is so good to me. He is endlessly patient and understanding and loyal. He bends over backwards to make me happy, to protect me, and to make sure I'm comfortable. I am constantly surprised by how much he exceeds my expectations of what a husband and father should do. He works hard, he cleans, he cooks, he gets up with the babies, and puts up with all my shenanigans without complaint. He tells me he loves me a dozen times a day and we literally have a conversation about how lucky we are to have each other several times a week.

While we were at the hot springs in Steamboat last weekend (our very first evening away from Rosie and Evie) we took turns listing off our favorite memories from the last three years. We talked about the birth of our girls, finding out we were pregnant, going to Europe, to Seattle, to Hawaii, to DC, our honeymoon, camping trips, driving to Cedar City to get our puppy Clover and many, many others. I love being married to Ben and our life together. He is my perfect guy.


  1. Congrats on 3 years! I am so glad that you got such a sweet hubby!!! You guys look so good together!!!

  2. Happy Anniversary! You guys are great together! We all love Ben and forgive him for his social...whatever! He's always fun to be around!!!

  3. So sweet to hear you talk about how much you love Ben. He really is perfect for you. Happy 3 years going on 60! love, Gune
