Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Birthday Girls

Our beautiful Rosie and Evie turned 4 in June. We surprised them when they woke up with new bikes and a giant barbie castle with new barbies that I scored for super cheap on KSL. We had a fun party with family and friends that evening with a bounce house and kiddie pool and pizza and cake. Darling Nathan and Tami came and did balloon animals for the kids and that was a hit. The girls had an awesome time. 

They are suddenly so grown up and so different from the little babies I keep imagining them as. They will talk to you all day long and have such fun ideas and great imaginations. They play so well together and get so involved in their games that they often get mad at me when I say it's time to leave the house. They had a blast at swim lessons this summer and are now loving soccer. They absolutely adore their preschool and get to go on MWFs from 9-12pm. They still take a nap most days from 3-5pm and if they don't sleep they are very good about staying in their room and playing quietly. They are the perfect big sisters to Gwena, the perfect best friend to each other, and the perfect daughters to Ben and I. We are very, very lucky to have these two hilarious little ladies at our house. 

Rosie is our little performer. She loves to dance and sing for an audience. She LOVES to draw and color and is always making projects for other people, especially her Grandparents. She loves to draw a picture, roll it up, put an elastic around it and then put it in a plastic baggie. Lately she has also gotten into the Christmas wrapping paper to wrap up her projects for gifting. She is very hard working and focused at school. Rosie can be extremely goofy and also very dramatic. She throws big fits and makes big statements like "I will NEVER be your sister AGAIN!!!" Rosie is still a pleaser and has a big heart and wants to make people happy. She is very sensitive to other peoples feelings and hates it when people are mad or disappointed in her...which is almost never.

Favorite Color: yellow and pink
Favorite food: Cheese roll-up, strawberries
Favorite thing to do at home: make art projects for people
Favorite Place to go: to the library or the fair or the zoo
Favorite Book: Curious George
Favorite Show: Doc McStuffins
Favorite Movie: Chipmunk Adventure
Favorite animal: Bunny rabbits and unicorns
Favortie thing to do at school: Story time and art
Least favorite thing: long car rides
When Rosie grows up she wants to be: A movie star or drive an ice cream truck

Latest cute story: On the way to visit our friend Elizabeth in the hospital after having her baby boy, Rosie asked if I would come visit her when she had a baby and I said "absolutely!". I asked her if she was going to have a girl baby or a boy baby and she said: "I guess whatever Jesus decides to send me." I asked her what the babies name was going to be and she said:" mmmm....maybe Twinkle if it's a girl and if it's a about Baseball?!"

Evelyn Irene

Evie is my special girl and has been especially sweet and obedient lately. She also loves to sing and dance but never wants to do it in front of other people. Evie can be shy with other adults but if she is comfortable she will talk your ear off and is also very social with other kids. She is a princess through and through and loves to play dress up every single day and always wants someone else (Rosie) to be her prince when she's a princess, her Anna when she's Elsa, or her evil Mother Gothel when she's Rapunzel. If she can't get a playmate, she plays very well all on her own and makes up very elaborate games.  Evie can be very sneaky and a little bossy and stubborn. No one is a better snuggler than Evie girl.

Favorite color: purple and orange
Favorite food: chocolate and spaghetti
Favorite thing to do at home: watch shows and play dress up
Favorite place to go: To Grandmas house
Favorite book: Curious George
Favorite show: Sophia the First
Favorite Movie: Frozen
Favorite animal: giraffe or puppy
Favorite thing to do at school: play outside and eat snack
Least Favorite thing: getting my hair done
When Evie grows up she wants to be: A Princess

Latest cute story: On the way to Grandma's house the girls often like to count how many American flags they can find. We were looking out the window and Evie said " Ok everyone keep their eyes peeled!.... Like an orange....or even a banana. " :)


  1. Wow! They sure have grown up!! So adorable! Looks like they had an awesome birthday!!! I always love their cakes! Do you make them?

  2. Love the photos and the details about each girl--adorable!
