Monday, April 16, 2012

I'll never let go...

We had a fabulous week in SLC. It was so nice to be there in nice weather. We had a wonderful Easter weekend. We spent most of it outside in the sunshine playing family basketball and lounging on the deck. We went to church Sunday and had an egg hunt and enjoyed an Easter feast.

The rest of the week we spent hanging with friends and family. Visited Ben's darling grandparents, went to the new Natural History Museum with cousins, went to the zoo, hit up City Creek a couple of times which was fabulous, ate at Lion House Pantry which is a must, walked Temple Square, had a birthday lunch for Em, and saw Titanic in 3D with my sisters and some gals...just as good as it was in 1997.

Was that seriously 15 years ago? Sheesh. I remember boo-hooing through it the first time when I was 14 at the Crossroads mall downtown with a few of my best girls...actually I can't even picture where that old theater was now but I do remember waiting out on South Temple for someone to come pick us up after. It was a much longer movie than we had planned for and we were scrambling after to get a ride and all squirming at the thought of calling our parents so late. Trying so hard to be grown up but still so dependent.

One of my friends walked around for a few months with a zip-lock bag full of magazine pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio. Swoon. I guess that's not as bad as my older sister who saw it like 8 times in the theater, had a binder of Titanic clippings, and wrote oh-so-cheesy love notes to her boyfriend that said things like "you jump, I jump remember?". Barf. But seeing the movie again made me realize that it certainly was worth all that adolescent hype. So good.

Man I love Salt Lake this time of year. I started pining away about living there again this week. Ben sure loooooves having this conversation again and again. Poor guy. Speaking of that little husband of mine, he was HARD at work all week re-landscaping the backyard while we were away. He really is amazing. If I had a week family free, you can bet I wouldn't be outside digging in the dirt. We want to get trees and maybe some flowers in the ground but pics are to come.

I'm in no hurry. I have a very good life and I'm very happy in Colorado. I gotta get some use out of this lovely yard and I have amazing friends and a killer ward I'm not ready to leave. But I just don't see myself being here long term. We'll see what happens but one day I plan to be back in Salt Lake. I'll never let go. :)


  1. I love this post! And I completely share your sentiment. I absolutely loved being home in SLC and Utah. It was just so good to be home. And thank you for reminding me of all the Titanic-hype. That has definitely worn off, but I may just have to spark that up again. It was so good to see you, sweetie! xoxo

  2. love all the cute pictures. Utah is the best! So excited to walk with you tomorrow. Lets burn some calories!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I tried to say I looked like the crazy sister, but then I noticed Erin's face in the picture of all 3 of us and realized I can't totally claim that title. Thank you for posting the picture of me looking like a fatty, wearing my bathrobe at a movie.

  4. love the turtles and the ducks--thanks for sharing the photos. the girls are darling!
