Friday, December 16, 2011

Dining Room

The dining room is finally finished! I have some plans for hanging stuff on the walls and maybe an area rug under the table but other than that, we are done. A few months ago when I was feeling really crafty (which has since subsided) I started hatching a plan for the dining room. This was supposed to be my little project but it ended up being far too complicated and Ben had to take over. All I ended up doing was painting the gray on top and Ben did all the paneling, the squares, the chair rail and crown molding, painting over all the primed pieces and finally hanging the new chandelier.

He did an amazing job. It's hard to capture in the photos but the room feels so much bigger and brighter. It feels like it's own distinct room rather than blending into the living room. Ben is very handy but more importantly, he is so hard working and willing to start and see through home projects even after being at work all day. I had a Christmas Brunch on Wednesday for a few of my favorite mamas just to make use of my lovely new dining room. Thank you Benny.

BEFORE: (after I started taping)



  1. Wow, what a huge difference. It is beautiful! Nice work.

  2. Wow! Great job!!! It was nice before but now it really pops and looks amazing! I think I'm going to have to hire you (and Ben!) to come and remodel a few of the rooms in my house! ;)

  3. Wow! WOW!!! It's look so great - I love it! Great vision there Al and great manpower there Ben! :)

  4. The dining room looks amazing! I better come for a visit soon :)

  5. It's fantastic! So classy. Love. xoxo

  6. That is beautiful! I love paneling like that. Great job you two!

  7. I LOVE IT!!! Someday (aka never) when I have a house, you will have to come help me! :-) Way to go both of you!

  8. wow! my life has been so busy I haven't been to your blog for a while--what a great looking dining room. The changes make a big difference!
