Monday, March 11, 2013

A long time coming...

Eeek. I haven't blogged in over a month. The last post I wrote was in January so I've had quite the long break. I'm ready to jump back into it but this post is going to be mostly pictures. Starting out slow. A picture is worth a thousand words- right?

 March is here. February is over. Hallelujah! A wonderful time for new beginnings and new life. I'm so excited for my friend Liz to come visit, to attend Tami's wedding, and to celebrate Easter and Conference with my family. Spring!!!!!  I had some anxiety as February approached because last year was so rough but this year it passed quite pleasantly. We had lots of warm, sunny days and some big snow storms that we really enjoyed. 

A few notes on my two beauties.

It's been a crazy few months with Rose. I'm seriously obsessed with her and love just being in her company. She is talking so much more and says such cute, hilarious things but sometimes I think she is going to drive me over the edge. We saw a movie with the girls a couple months ago, Wreck-it Ralph and I haven't said it out loud but she reminds me of the main character. Wreck-it Rose. She is so very destructive. Sometimes I think it is all just a series of accidents caused by curiosity but other times she seems seriously sneaky and mischievous. Her bent on breaking things started a couple months ago when she stood up on my moms kitchen counter and shattered a very sturdy hanging light with her head. She didn't even bat an eyelash. Recently she has been the leader of some serious marker issues in our house, she moved a chair over to the counter to get a candy heart and broke the lid of my favorite candy dish, she dumped my powdered bronzer out onto the carpet, squeezed out all my facial cleanser into the bathtub, and threw my Clarisonic face scrubber over the balcony and busted it. I promise I watch her and my house is pretty toddler proof...she is just faster and more clever and crazier than I ever expect.

I'm certainly not suggesting Evie is completely innocent but she is just so much more content to play quietly by herself and not destroy things. This is a picture of her at Olive Garden making two noodles talk to each other. :)

I have been concerned for a long time about my girls and their language development. I finally had a specialist from the Child Find program out for a home visit and she put a lot of my worries to rest. Evie has suddenly started making a lot longer and clearer sentences and is singing songs like the Alphabet and Twinkle and Twinkle. These aren't very impressive milestones for a 2 1/2 year old I realize but they are progress for us and it makes me happy. Evie has had trouble sleeping lately and often demands to sleep in our room at night in a packnplay by our bed. She is soooooo stubborn.  She keeps talking about a scary witch-- which breaks my heart and confuses me where she even got that idea in her head. Ben noticed  a pattern that Sunday and Monday nights are always the worst of the week and that it probably relates to the fact that we have started a tradition of Family Movie Night (parents lazy night) every Sunday. It has been really fun to check out great Disney/Pixar movies at the library and snuggle up altogether and eat popcorn. The girls LOVE it but I'm thinking we are going to have to do away with it for awhile. We aren't watching scary movies in the slightest but I was reading online how toddlers often have nightmares from watching shows that are too action packed or suspenseful before bed time. Evie has always been very much engrossed with what is on the tube so I wouldn't be surprised if they are related.

 Potty Training. OOOOOOOOOooooooooof. It is seriously the worst. I mean if you are actually doing it.... which we aren't. We had some circumstances where we had to put it on hold and that is where we are right now. Evie is suddenly a lot more interested so both little ladies use the potty a lot...but the lack of commitment on my part if what is holding us back. There is a plan in place but keeping the execution in the future is such a lovely relief. We'll get there. 

A million pictures just because:


  1. Oh my gosh!! The picture with markers all over your girls and the kitchen is hilarious!!!! I am sure you weren't laughing when it happened, but it makes for a great picture! haha! Your girls are adorable! Love all the picture!!!!!

  2. I am so crazy about these munchkins. Bring them back to SLC!!!

  3. I love the cousins in the tub! Your girls are darling. I completely understand about the language development concerns. Connor just needed 3 months with a speech therapist and he was fine, but it still takes a lot of reminding on my part to get him to slow down and say the entire word, not just part of it. That kid talks so fast.
